【客訂預購】德國ARRI L7-T LED 燈具 (L1.31230TD)
L7-T LED 燈具
ARRI L7-TT LED燈具(L1.31230TD)
L-Series L7-TT, Stand-Mount, Blue/Silver, 3 m Cable, Schuko Connector
裁切 > 造型 > 聚焦 > 旋扭
擁有佛氏燈具表現能力的獨一無二LED燈 ARRI L系列燈具擁有LED佛氏燈頭,接近一般傳統燈具的功能以及表現能力,創造出以前所無法達成表現:有LED效能的傳統佛氏燈燈具。L7-C是第一個LED燈燈具結合了佛氏燈持續聚焦以及散光的特性,運作平順及一致。此外,此款LED燈可完全控制輸出的顏色,達到色溫正確、易於設定綠色-氨紅色以及RGBW顏色。L7燈光用於廣播以及數位電影拍攝上特別理想,可確保令人滿意膚色的色調以及生動的顏色演繹。 既熟悉卻又是革命性的創舉 光的品質就從這裡開始。極為平順的操作、始終如一的顏色、均勻的亮度 – 全都是L7以及傳統ARRI佛氏燈的特點。以往佛氏燈在燈光界被視為負重耐用的燈具,因此設計者以及工程師希望能與LED燈具技術結合。
聚焦能力:聚光 > 散光 > 聚散光之間傳統佛氏燈具當中。 多樣性是關鍵的元素,特別是需要聚光及散光的能力。不論是在長鏡頭拍攝狀況下使用的散光或是著重打亮的聚光,L7持續聚焦的能力都可達到人們所期望的。 多樣性以及可控制的角度 控制光的角度來隔絕以及設定元素。裁減被光照到的區域。控制的能力在燈光上是很重要的,L7可提供跟傳統佛氏燈具一樣的能力,使用葉片來控制光的被照射區域及形狀。唯一不一樣的地方在於,L7完全不會發燙,維持舒適的狀態且可降低冷氣的耗費。 L7-C– 色溫可以從2,800 K至10,000 K進行連續調節,還有紅綠補償,以及紅綠藍白全色彩調節。提供混合冷卻型與主動冷卻型。 L7-TT– 可調節鎢絲色溫型,可在類似鎢絲燈的色溫下進行微調,範圍從2,600 K至3,600K,並且比L7-C更加明亮。特別適合於需要與傳統鎢絲燈具混合時使用,並需要精確匹配的場合。提供混合冷卻型與主動冷卻型。 L7-DT– 可調節日光色溫型可在類似日光的色溫下進行微調,範圍從5,000 K至6,500 K,並且比L7-C更加明亮。特別適用於需要與日光型光源混合使用,並需要精確匹配的場合。提供混合冷卻型與主動冷卻型。 光學系統 可聚焦的佛氏鏡 鏡片直徑 175 mm / 7 inch 光線角度 15° - 50° (Half Peak Angle) 重量 10.9 kg / 24 lb (Hanging / Stand), 12.4 kg / 27 lb (Pole Operation) 握把 可調式固定架,高強度傾斜固定座 P.O操作版本(可調整水平傾斜及對焦) 燈座 28 mm 連接栓 傾斜角度 +/- 90° 輸入電源範圍 100 - 264V AC, 50-60Hz 耗電量 210 W 電源接頭 Bare Ends / Schuko / Edison Connector 白光 連續無段可調色溫2800-10000K 彩色光 藉由色調與飽和度完全調整RGB+W色域 色彩還原 CRI 95 (3200 K - 5600 K) 綠光-氨紅調整 連續無段調整 調光 0 -100% 連續無段調整 控制介面 5-Pin DMX 1入1出、選用控制面板、Mini-USB 遙控管理(RDM) DMX 功能,時數計數器,標準的RDM通訊命令 Mini-USB 介面 DMX 功能,燈具狀態,透過PC軟體做韌體升級。 外殼顏色 藍銀色、黑色 操作環境溫度 0° - 35° C 保護等級 IP20 散熱模式 藉由側邊的控制面板,RDM 及 Mini-USB 介面,三種散熱模式可以選擇:被動模式:靜音無風扇,Boots:啟動定速風扇散熱在光線出力80%時啟動,動態散熱:定速風扇散熱永遠啟動。 概略LED壽命(L70) 50,000小時 認證 CE 所有規格為一般標準規格
Innovative Features and rugged durability
Whereas other LED fixtures have taken forms that demand sacrifices in the quality of lighting designs, the L-Series is unique in that it fits perfectly into established working practices. This means that lighting designers will not have to adapt their creative techniques, nor will studios have to change their operating procedures; conventional Fresnels can be exchanged for L7 Fresnels on a like-for-like basis, achieving substantial and immediate cost savings with minimal disruption.
Cool Burning and Cost Saving
L-Series Fresnels burn cold; the lack of forward heat significantly reduces studio air conditioning costs and allows for a much cooler work environment. This makes life easier on set, both for the technicians behind the lights and the talent in front of them.Focus Knobs
True Blue-style focus knobs provide the precise adjustment and rapid flood-to-spot that users enjoy from manual, mechanical control. Knobs on both sides of the fixture ensure easy access from all positions, eliminating the need for awkward reach-arounds. Focusing is neither tedious nor time-consuming; full flood-to-spot can be achieved in only three turns.Sliding Stirrup
The ARRI sliding stirrup design enables precise adjustment of the fixture’s center of gravity, to compensate for front-end accessories. It also creates the option of pulling the fixture back and reducing its hanging height.Yoke
With an extremely slim profile, the extruded aluminum yoke provides high strength without added weight. An optional pole-operated yoke allows full operation of pan, tilt and focus from the floor and is therefore a popular choice for many studios.Tilt Lock
The high strength tilt lock provides extremely secure locking, eliminating movement and slippage and ensuring that the fixtures will stay where you put them.Pole Operation
Optional pole operation is a popular choice for many broadcast studios, enabling fast and efficient adjustment of pan, tilt and focus without the need for ladders or lifts.
DMX Control
For broadcast studios, remote fixture control is of paramount importance, and all functions of the L7 are controllable through DMX. The L7 is also fully RDM compatible, providing bi-directional feedback and reporting of parameters including system status; hours on the light engine; and current DMX settings (with the ability to remotely assign and address all fixtures in a DMX network).On-Board Control
For location applications, the ability to rapidly access all lamphead parameters directly at the light is important. For this reason, an optional on-board controller is available for the L7 Fresnels, with manual intensity adjustment and DMX settings.
With the L7-C, additional controls for color temperature and plus/minus green can be switched to manipulate hue and saturation at the touch of a button, and two fast-presets can be stored and recalled with ease.
Unique LED Lights with True Fresnel Performance
The ARRI L-Series has launched with an LED Fresnel fixture so close to its conventional equivalent in function and performance that it creates a previously unattainable opportunity: like-for-like replacement of traditional Fresnels with LED-based units.
Familiar, but Revolutionary
Quality of light begins with the field. Smooth intensity, uniform color, even illumination: all are traits shared by the L7 and conventional ARRI Fresnels. Since Fresnels are workhorses of the lighting industry, designers and technicians now have nothing new to learn in order to use LED technology.Focusability:
Spot > Flood > Anywhere In-Between
Versatility is the key element in traditional Fresnels, especially the ability to spot and flood the beam as needed. Whether it’s a flood field for a pullback shot or a tight spot for a bright highlight, the continuous focusability of the L7 performs just as expected.Versatile and Controllable Beam
Shaping the beam to isolate talent and set elements. Cutting the field to eliminate spill light. Controllability is crucial to lighting, and the L7 provides the same ability as conventional Fresnels to cut and shape with barndoors and flags. The only part missing is the heat: the L7 features a completely cool light beam, keeping talent comfortable and air conditioning costs low.
Even Light Field
Clear, defined shadows have traditionally been a trait only of single source tungsten and daylight fixtures. ARRI L7 Fresnels provide the same single shadow properties designers expect, delivering natural results.
Color: Vibrant, Full-Spectrum Lighting
Flattering, true-to-life color rendition, previously achievable only with full-spectrum tungsten sources, is a hallmark feature of the L-Series.
The fully tuneable white light of the L-Series Color versions can be adjusted for different skin tones, camera sensors and mixed-light environments, while specific color shades can be matched through full gamut color mixing. Unlike other LED fixtures, this level of color control does not involve compromising the quality of the light field: the L-Series Fresnels are unique in combining uniform light and single shadow rendition with absolute control of color attributes.
The simplest route to long-term energy savings
Running costs is where the similarity to tungsten Fresnels ends. L-Series fixtures reduce electricity usage, which equates to dramatic cost savings in terms of power draw. Further savings are brought about by the exceptional life span of the LED light engine, which lasts around 200 times longer than a conventional tungsten lamp; the reduced maintenance and minimized power distribution will combine with other cost-saving attributes such as built-in dimming to effect a rapid return on investment.
The L-Series also facilitates energy savings outside the studio, as versatile location lighting setups can be achieved with available power, meaning no large generators and no expensive fuel bills.
Upgradeable Technology for a Solid Investment
We all know the pace at which LED efficiency is improving, so the L-Series is an expansible platform designed to adapt with the latest enhancements in LED chip performance.
The light engine is fully upgradeable, ensuring that the fixtures can take advantage of technology advances as and when they happen.
The firmware is also upgradeable through the USB port on the
rear of each unit, accommodating future control protocols such as ACN and incorporating other system enhancements that may become available in due course.
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【客訂預購】德國ARRI L7-T LED 燈具 (L1.31230TD)
